
498 Art Reviews

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These dreams! Another great one here. I really like your shading and how you pulled off that almost boney-ridged look for the structure in the background.

Your dreams seem intense.
This is awesome, and I love your work. The subject(s) and presentation here are marvelous. I love the colors that you used, especially in the sky.

Holy frickin' fuck.
This is absolutely magnificent. This piece really takes some of my favorite aspects of your art styles to the next level. What especially stands out to me about this one is the level of detail in the grit- as in the floor, blood spatter, and skin textures. The color palette here pops in such a smooth way too, namely in the lighting.
Also sick nipple rings bro

Geez, I keep clicking on these, attracted to the still image in the icons, and I'm blown away each time at the fact that these are all animated. Like I was saying, every single frame pretty much works on its own as a stand-alone product. The lighting, contrast, and emphasis on depth and fog is impeccable with every single frame. Not to mention, the animation itself is extremely smooth, fluid, and satisfying to watch. I'm especially digging the creepy atmosphere of this one!

Golly gee, your art is awesome. I love the style of this- the contrast and coloring are extremely stylish. I really love the background and how the smoke/brightness of the fires below are emphasized. To answer your question, I think the flames are indeed defined, but I feel that it's fitting for this piece and the style, and I can interpret it as symbolism for the clear boundary between the hero and the dragon.

Zoukeau responds:

Thank you! I like your interpretation of the fire when I didn't consciously draw it that way, though I have been trying to use more symbolism in my work.

Thank you for your review, very interesting!

Very nice! I love the colors here, and the crashing waves are so nicely done. The brushwork here really brings the clouds to life as well. It's funny, I recently started sketching up an idea for a painting that is vaguely similar to this in terms of subject and positioning, but with a few different things of course.

Yoo! What a coincidence that I'm currently playing this and am about to start the second visit to the Subway. I really like this! The lighting is very well done, and I like the details/texture of her ghost's skin. I can almost hear the static just looking at this..

Awesome. I love his flower-like head. I can totally see this creature coming to life, and it's quite terrifying. Excellent work! I also love the highlights and how they make the flesh look slick.

Wicked color and effects, thanks for sharing a bit of your process with the silver in the description too. That little ball on the side looks like a mini-universe filled with glitter. Excellent work!

carljohnson responds:

when im done with production i might do more headies

I'm absolutely thrilled to see glassblowing/glass art on NG. I'm loving everything. These are especially cool. I love the pastel colors. I think some outdoor photography might have given the colors a little more justice, but these are fabulous regardless.

carljohnson responds:

when i move soon there will be plenty of that

Nightmares, dreams, and everything between.

Age 29, Male

Lighthouse Keeper

South Vale, Silent Hill

Joined on 4/29/07

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