He waits patiently for the day one might drop a donut into the waters.
Great detail and shading, and awesome work on the fade-out coloring.
He waits patiently for the day one might drop a donut into the waters.
Great detail and shading, and awesome work on the fade-out coloring.
My neck doesn't quite extend that much, but I can relate regardless. Loving how sharp and striking this piece is, with the very bold colors and strokes.
Thank you! trying something different lately, more painterly and more mine. Sometimes you gotta detach from what's common, i guess!
Beautiful :D
I love the lighting in this, and the color palette as well. Feels so heavenly. I'm really digging the arch leading to the lighthouse. Yes please.
Thank you so much!! Good reviews from good artists are always a good hit in the ego, so thanks a lot, hahahah
This is awesome. I love the dimly-lit atmosphere, but I feel as though the neon lights could be a bit brighter to really bring this piece to life a bit more. Overall, this is really cool, and I'd love to visit this place. Also, this art style kinda reminds me of some of the promo art for the band Gorillaz, where you'd see the cartoon band members into more realistic looking backgrounds. This definitely reminds me of that aesthetic, and I'm really digging it regardless. Keep it up!
Hot damn, this is captivating. Your pixel art is so immaculate and well-detailed, especially in the lighting of this piece. There's a crushing sense of depth leading up to the main tower, and I'm really enjoying what you did with the sky, throwing hints of normalcy toward the far left edge of the canvas. Great work!
I love this. The colors almost have a warm feeling to them, despite the clearly chilly setting. The stream and the birds especially bring life to this piece. Fantastic work!
So lovely! The color palette is so peaceful and warm, and I love the atmosphere.
Thank you, I was shooting for that
Nice! Really good work with the ink style, especially in the shading. You really nailed it without even having to use that many colors.
I'm really loving your Silent Hill redesigns, especially your version of Pyramid Head. It's pretty refreshing to see variations of him. He looks a lot more 'mythical.' Great atmosphere in this one, and I'm enjoying the Halo of the Sun behind his head.
Awesome. Passing streetlights as they shine into the interior of a car is a very daunting visual to try to recreate, but you've done it fantastically here!
Nightmares, dreams, and everything between.
Age 30, Male
Lighthouse Keeper
South Vale, Silent Hill
Joined on 4/29/07