Nightmares, dreams, and everything between.

Age 30, Male

Lighthouse Keeper

South Vale, Silent Hill

Joined on 4/29/07

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LittleLuckyLink's News

Posted by LittleLuckyLink - August 28th, 2011


Okay so, I hope to be doing some neat shit soon. Hopefully involving zombies.

That's all for now. So like I said, Hello.


Posted by LittleLuckyLink - April 12th, 2011

So lately I've been really wanting to animate. However, I'm so shitty at managing my time, so these things take forever. I have a project I'm currently working on (that fucking black ops thing), a project that is being thought out, and about 14 other potential projects.

Those 14 potential projects are all dreams I've had. If any of you have followed my posts before, I have talked about how I have cool fucking dreams. Most of them put me in this storyline in a whole different universe. Some of them in particular are fucking interesting as fuck. Of course, they'd make perfect movies, and some day I hope to be able to submit them. However, before I do that, I still want to get adjusted to my transition from Madness-style movies so that I don't disappoint myself.

The first project after my simplistic-style CoD movie will be something I hope to submit next Halloween. I guess I'll choose Halloween as my day to submit big things from now on. It's mostly been Madness day.

First I need to get through this year of school. It's being a big fat black bitch.
Updates as they come, until then, have this as a little teaser type thing. It's the song I'm gonna use in my Halloween thing.

Posted by LittleLuckyLink - March 28th, 2011

I have received the mightiest of all things to be delivered via United States Postal Service, it is a pillow, enchanted with a big ass "L".
(also a heartwarming letter and 48 hours of super duper xbox live sex)

All from my royal fruity fellow; Ye Olde Apple. (or KingApple)

Here is me, looking out into the sunset with my new trusty sidekick. Thank you CONNOR you have made me a very happy leprechaun (Y)

A royal gift package from the mystical lands of Missouri

Posted by LittleLuckyLink - December 25th, 2010

Merry Christmas to all you naughty motherfuckers.

If you've been reading my stupid goddamn twatter that I whore out in every blog, then you've prolly noticed that I said I'd be announcing two new movies today.

First, The Ultimate Odyssey- A movie about a certain special boy's journey to embark on self discovery. In other words don't expect much. It's a relatively short movie, but I'm working on visuals and stuff to make it look sexy.

Second, for some reason I am deciding to do a video game parody. It's about Black Ops and the people who sit in corners with Second Chance and Grenade launchers. Fuck you. It's prolly gonna be called something like "CoD: Second Chance" or something similar. More details as I begin to give more of a fuck.

No real release dates are coming, but I guess that's gonna be my New Years resolution. I kinda miss the fun of making movies and releasing them quicker. I am planning on making a lot more movies in 2011. I'm gonna have to rebuild a fanbase since most people who liked me stopped after I finished up with Madness. Oh and in case you're wondering what the other New Years resolution is- It's staying away from fucking crazy attention-seeking bitches.

2010 was alright I guess. I mean it was shitty through most of it but after October things started to really pick up. Started with the 22nd when I went to the Gorillaz concert. Good god that was fucking amazing. Then later on with the vacation to San Francisco, then once more when me and a few friends went down town to see a local-sorta band play live. God damn that was great.

Oh.. P.S. I may ALSO be working on a movie with Kostou, the mastermind behind Lifting in Bayching, which I fucking loved.

So, my lovelies, what did you get for Christmas? (desperate attempt to get more comments)

Posted by LittleLuckyLink - December 9th, 2010

(yeah a bit late of an update)

I had a great time in San Francisco, I saw my uncle and his huge dog, went around the city a bit, was stuffed full of plenty of amazing food, it was really a great time. I really can't wait to go again some time. Next time I'll try to go to Alcatraz and stuff, that'd be great.

Well back in Texas now, and I miss it so much. It's just so flat here. I miss all the water and the mountains, damn... I am starting to get a rather creative buzz, I've been drawing in my sketchbook a lot more recently, and I'm starting to get ideas for zombie films I may make. I'm thinking I may keep up this same structure of "work a lot on animation during the summer and submit it in the fall", kinda like I've been doing with my Madness day animations. Except now, I will do fullbodied animations based off of various dreams I've had, and I will submit them for Halloween. Sounds like a good plan to me. It gives me a lot more time to work on things.

You're prolly thinking.. "So does this mean we're gonna get to see those animations you've been bragging about for the past two years next year on Halloween?"

No promises.. but.. Maybe.

Also be sure to check out my Twatter page. (just in case you haven't already gotten the link down since I whore it out in just about every blog I make on here)

Posted by LittleLuckyLink - November 29th, 2010

On Wednesday, December 1st, I'll be going to San Francisco for no real reason other than a random vacation, and I'm actually quite excited about it.. I've been needing a good break from school, and this past week off has been great (Thanksgiving Break), and god damn, another one for me in such short time.

I'll be sure to take some pictures and shit, I will PROBABLY take my laptop to use when I'm in the hotel room.. I'm not too sure, but if I do decide to take it, you'll know because I'll be fucking posting ALL OVER my Twatter account, which I've actually been quite actively posting on.

I'll make a newspost about the trip next week when I get back, but until then, check the Twatter for short updates about various things. Only two days until I get to go, it will be great lmao

Also, I'm starting to think about my future zombie projects, I might talk about them in next week's post.

Posted by LittleLuckyLink - November 21st, 2010

I've taken a break from animation, and to be honest, I'm not really sure what's coming next from me. I don't exactly have the urge to animate JUST yet. I need a break from school mainly (which I'll have very soon). I'll soon be making movies active as hell, but I guess the major thing is that I'm actually working on an animation for my animation class, so I guess it's just sorta that whole "hard to work on two things at once" thing, even though I only work on it at school. School's been hilariously ridiculous by the way lmao.
But yeah I guess it's sorta a break for me. Also, looking back on Dusk, I feel kinda shitty about it. Like, I didn't work on it enough over the summer because I was too depressed or some shit like that. Like, I'm very disappointed with it when looking at it now. But I'll do fun stuff to make up for it. I'm gonna have quite a bit of school off within the next week. I'm actually going to San Francisco on December 1-5. No real reason, just a vacation. It'll be fun. I'll also see my uncle, who I haven't seen in quite a while. Then of course, we get thanksgiving break this current week.

I'll honestly probably be a HUGE faggot and just sit around with Black Ops and Metroid Prime and not actually do anything productive, but hey, I need a break lmao. I know I've seen inactive on NG, but I check it every day, seriously. It's my most visited website (well, actually, Bullshit Forums is. Seriously check it out or something, it's tons of fun)

I'll make more frequent blogs, talking about more cool shit and maybe life shit if I feel that anyone gives enough of a fuck to read it.

Until then, have a good week, and Happy Thanksgeveng to those who live in USA.

Oh, PS, I just bought Dirty Ice's horror core rap album, Abandoned. It is sexually exciting. I recommend it to anyone who likes horror core rap (ICP, Necro, etc)

But yeah, more blogs/animation/etc coming, until then; enjoy this

Sorta inactivity

Posted by LittleLuckyLink - October 19th, 2010

I just wanted to make a little post talking about what made me want to animate. Many of you may know Rob D from the "Cyanide and Happiness" comics and cartoons, but I've actually been a fan of him for many years. He used to make some pretty great stick movies. Long ago, he had a pretty great series called Joe Zombie. Joe Zombie is probably my single favorite series on Newgrounds.

Click here to watch the Joe Zombie series.

The series, when looked at today and compared with other Flash movies, may seem simplistic, but really that doesn't bother me one bit. I still love the series. Actually, Episode 6 is my fucking favorite. It's actually pretty damn remarkable to me. I look at some of the stuff he did in that movie and I wonder how the fuck he did it- the 3-D and various dust-looking effects and stuff. (Only a bit of Swift 3-D was used in the movie by the way). But either way, amazing. Great camera movements, sound, everything. I can only wonder what Episode 7 would look like...

Anyway, I love everything about the series, and looking back, it's kinda funny how I was scared of it years ago. Pretty much every movie I've made has some sort of reference to the series, but only a few people actually get it since in all honest, popularity for the series has died or shifted to C&H.

Now if only us older guys could get an update on JZ7... Shit, I'll admit, when I saw Episode 6 on the front page, I fucking screamed. It took like three years if I remember correctly. That was in August of 2006..

Imagine the how many Easy Bake ovens I would shit to see even a screenshot of it today..

Joe Zombie- The series that inspired me to animate

Posted by LittleLuckyLink - October 2nd, 2010

Today, Oct. 2, is my b-day. I am now 16. Well, iunno what to really say about that. Sept that I'm 16. Anyway, enough of that shit. I'd like to thank all of you for the support with Dusk, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. While I can't exactly respond to each and every last one of them (I'm kinda lazy and I don't exactly know what to say some times) just know that I appreciate all of the comments and I am thankful.

I have also won fifth place this year in the Madness Day contest =]
Thanks bunches Tom and Krinkels

Also, I know a lot of you have had various questions over the series, I have tried my best to answer most of them, but I have also decided to make a commentary-sorta thing about each of the episodes on Youtube. Basically talking about the movies, answering questions, talking about some secret shit and hidden messages, all that shit. If there is anything in specific you want me to talk about, lemme know.

Also, this will be my last full length tribute. h0w 2 anim8 maddnes will likely be made, but we'd have to re-record the thing for a third time since we didn't get it right the first two.. There's also an unreleased collab part that I made. I decided that I didn't want it to go to waste, so I gave it to PsychoJester53 (djtrickym) to submit along with one of his parts (IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY TOO, so be sure to wish him a Happy B-Day). Now before you flip shit about me wanting to submit a madness collab part, here are a few details about the collab part. It's not a simple run into a room and kill part, it's actually a rather cinematic car chase, bit of silence.. and then something happens.. Anyway.. One last thing, I was invited to a collab hosted by some close long time friends and fellow animators. The collab is a secret and I doubt anyone is allowed to join, and I can't really talk about it. I'll just go ahead and say that the secret collab is gonna have a theme and we'll all do our best to make it stand out far more than most other collabs. Its release date is unknown.

Many of you have been asking me to make a sequel to Dusk. Sorry, but Dusk is the last. There will be no more.. HOWEVER, even though I may be finishing up with Madness, I am CERTAINLY not finished with zombies. I have many, many, many many ideas for zombie films. In fact, all of them have actually come from dreams I've had. For a while I'll be testing out different styles of animation, and once I find myself one that I enjoy, I'll start working on those serious projects. Zombie animations and psychological horror animations are things I plan on doing. And most likely, you'll see something from me next year for Halloween..

Anyway, thank you all for the support and stuff, It makes me feel all warm inside.


My birthday & Thank you all

Posted by LittleLuckyLink - September 22nd, 2010

I deeply apologize for the lateness. I had some problems with exporting the final product and shit like that, making sure it was perfect.

Annnnyway... It is up right now!


It's been a fun ride, and I'm glad that you guys have enjoyed the series, and I hope you enjoy the final episode as well :]
Thank you