My opinions on NFTs are unsurprisingly just as negative as many other folks, but since this review space is for the art itself, let's just talk about that, huh?
This is awesome! I love the sense of color and contrast, especially around his mouth. I like the detail of his body emerging from the clouds too. The only thing that seems a bit off to me is the perspective. This piece does feel a bit flat to me at some points, and I feel that the depth could be improved on. Perhaps this is due to a somewhat unsavory crop or aspect ratio even, but most of what I'm seeing in terms of 'flatness' come from the wings, namely the one that the person is standing on. I mean, props to them for being able to hold on to this magnificent beast, of course.
Perhaps it is just a product of the cropping, but I do think that seeing more of a wingspan, or perhaps finding a different creative way to crop the image (such as obscuring more of the dragon in the clouds) would help bring some depth and convey the size of the dragon. I guess it's a somewhat minor point, but it does stand out to me. As I said before, you absolutely nailed the color, contrast, and lighting especially. Not to mention, great work on the detail of the dragon's skin.