
674 Movie Reviews

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Clearly improved from that other movie. While the whole movie lacks basic storyline, this section of the review will be about the movements and such.

As I said you improved, you added body movement and animated them in the correct manner. However, these movements were very choppy. When animating, try to ease and keep a steady pace of movement with the body parts. Don't add any abrupt movements without first using easing to lead up to it.

The characters were pretty generic. You could have at least made some of your own enemies. And give them a back story that's clearly played out in the movie, like, why is he storming into the building and killing everyone. Also, the art is pretty bad. It looks rushed. Take some time to smooth out the art, add texture, detail, whatever.

And what's with all of these movieclips? I could pause the movie to find the gun still firing or bodies falling in an endless loop, or the feet still moving.
Don't use movieclips, plain and simple. That's just about as lazy as it gets, especially using movieclips in walking. NEVER do that. It doesn't look good. Just animate it in the time line.

And give it an intro like I said earlier. Because I have no idea what's going on or who these people are. You shouldn't have to explain these things to people personally, it should be clear in the movie. And yeah take more time on this, don't just rush an episode out every week. It might seem like that's what people want, but I'm pretty sure people would like a well thought out, clean and smooth animation rather than a hunk of crap that someone pushed out in a couple of days.

Stiff, and choppy, but not the worst I've seen.

Ok well for starters, it was stiff, choppy, and badly animated. You didn't animate the bodies at all, it was just the hands. You basically had walking statues all over the place. Add in some rotating of the body while falling and shooting, and don't animate the head along with the body, give it a bit of bounce in occasions, and you'll be fine. Okay so after like, a few more rooms, you see the guy with the grenade. Um, several issues with this. For one thing, wasn't the grenade thrown at him? If so, why didn't it explode? I noticed that the pin from the grenade wasn't taken out, so that must have been the case. Okay so he throws it in a room, but then it gets thrown into another room. Well, give your guards a sense of intelligence, they should have thrown it in the room it just came from.
But anyways, this was a really bad thing that you did. You made an explosion, but it wasn't shown, and when he got to the room, it was just a bunch of bodies laying there with bullet wounds. Well, it would have been better to actually show this, rather then just pan to it, and not be so lazy. And also, explain to me how a grenade gives bullet wounds.

Well that's pretty much it, however, I'm very surprised with you.
You used the correct hands.
You see, normally people don't use the correct hands, they either have two left hands, or two right ones or they're just all messed up. I'm so glad that you're smart enough to know your right from left, and for this, I respect you.
Plus the animation wasn't the worst I've seen from a beginner, just add more animation, with the feet and body and stuff, and you'll be fine.

Have my babies.

Fucking awesome. So smooth and clean graphics, it was great. I loved everything about it.

Indeimaus responds:


... Just so you know in the future-

It was bad. Definitely not the worst I've seen, but it's still really bad. Nothing in this movie makes any sense. Ok well, let's get started then.
At the start, I see that you used MOVIE CLIP WALKING. This is a big "no-no". Stop being lazy and actually animate walking. You just took a movie clip and slid it across the stage. I also see that apparently, the head and the body are attached. Not "attached" as in connected as a limb, I mean they're both in one movie clip, you're supposed to animate them separately, not as a whole. Ok so he goes over and... grabs the other guy and throws him on the ground (?) Well for that, it was too choppily animated to comprehend what actually happened, but I'm sure if I'm correct, that he did throw him on the ground, that the guy would be able to at least get up and put up some sort of a fight. Or at least give a little more reaction. Speaking of reaction, I see it shows a big view of the building with a guy standing there. Umm, wait, he's just standing there.. Couldn't he have seen Hank take down the first guy? Couldn't he have seen Hank approach? What was preventing him from going inside? You have to give the characters more human, you gotta consider what's going on OFF the set stage, and consider people who are standing there. What they did, where they ran, who they called, something. You can't just have Hank shooting the place up, then the camera pans over to the other side of the room where there are a few people smoking cigars.
Now this is sort of a personal thing, but I hate seeing Krinkels' backgrounds used in tribute movies. I mean come on, at least give SOME originality and draw your own building. It's not that hard and it doesn't take too long either.
Ok anyway, so the actual action begins, yay, or... Not yay. It's animated badly, especially the feet. They are just slopped around, and not actually animated with organization. Ok I don't really know what to say about these next few parts, aside from just that they're animated choppy, and the characters are very stiff. It also doesn't make sense why the agents are killing EACH OTHER. I mean like... They're part of the 1337 crew, they wouldn't kill each other.
Ok so Hank get's a shot gun, then a zombie comes out of no where. (Seriously, quit with the randomosity, it would be much better if you animated it better, but it just doesn't work for this.) Any way, how does that shot gun blow the zombie's entire upper body off, yet when Hank shoots guards, they just suffer from a bullet wound?
Ok so this next part features even more choppy animation, etc, with little to know actual body movement. Then we got the auditor. Ok um, this is just horrible. Ok so you've taken advantage of the whole "animate the body along with the head so that no definition of body movement and proper reactions will be given" thing. I mean hell, they don't even move their heads. They just stand there like a statue while their arms are flailing around.
Then Jesus comes and bla bla bla, more choppy animation.

Okay overall, it sucked, the randomosity DID NOT work for this at all. It would have been much better if it were animated better. But you didn't give it a plot, or any thing original really, you drew like, two of those graphics, and that's it. You also used Krinkels' official characters. You couldn't have at least made your own characters? Hell, even Madness Interactive characters would be better than the regular ones. Also, stop animating the body completely attached to the head, give them some personality and proper reactions. Tilt the body when necessary, move the head back when necessary, any thing's better than having statues running around shooting each other.
And I have no sympathy at all for you, how you rushed it or it's your first madness. The point is, start something ahead of time, and actually take time to work on it. If you finish it before the deadline, take time to go back and revise things. And so what if this is your one of your first madness movies? That doesn't completely excuse you from proper criticism, take this review and learn from it.

ZVCH responds:

This is what reviews should be more like. This was really helpful seeing how this was one of my first madness movies I have made.

Um.. Ok what.

Ok at first glance, I see that the sprites just look awful. I mean awful. EVEN IF I SET IT TO HIGH QUALITY, they'll still horrible. You're not supposed to download pictures of them, you're supposed to download them from a fla.
Ok so first off, learn how to arrange the hands. I've said this before, and I'm saying it again: it's not rocket science to figure out which hand is left and which is right. Ok now, they just slide to the door, no definition of actual walking or anything, just sliding. Then a zombie pops out and starts killing people..? Um, ok, that makes sense. Ok then this next part is just too badly animated to even comprehend what's happening. How does he get the AK47? Why does he kill everyone? Who is "Smidly"? Another note on that, go to a firing range, then fire an ak47. Do you stand there like a statue while firing it with no movement at all? No. Don't animate like this, add some kick back, and a definition of their limbs not being completely sown together. You animated them like walking statues.
Ok this next part is hilarious in his own way. Especially how you got the guns with the moving slides... Seriously... what. Ok so then there are more of these horribly exported characters (seriously, what the fuck?). Also in this part, the text goes by WAY too fast to even read that. I could only read in the first word or so before it changed, I'm a fast reader, but not fast enough for this flash. It's sad too, because I have no idea why he shot him.
This next part is just...
I seriously could not tell what happened. It was way too choppy and poorly animated. And the zombies didn't really make any sense at all. I had no idea what happened, so if you could tell me, I would love to.
Over all, this was awful. For one thing, fix those ugly low quality sprites, they look horrible. Second, take some time on your movies, we don't want to watch a rushed out hunk of shit, we want a movie that has been animated smoothly and has had time taken on it. You should really take time to watch Krinkels latest movies, hell, any of Krinkels' Madness movies. Not for entertainment, but so that you can study how smoothly and fluently he animates. And try to get better using that. And pay attention to all these negative reviews. No matter how negative they are, they should still have a point, the point is, that this was a badly animated movie. And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll get better.
And try to make your movies stand out more, and have a plot that actually makes sense in the movie. I don't want to have to ask you why the hell there were zombies or what was happening, you need to make it clear in the movie. And try to be more original, rather than this "kill everything randomly" shit. There are only a few times when this is acceptable, if the animator is godly, like Engan for example. His are random, but they're cool.
So yeah read that and such and like, get better.

Smidly responds:

Your cunt is so wet

david is a pussy


Hilarious. Very nice voice acting to it. The animation was pretty good too, especially all of the trippy, glowy, flashy, twisty effects.
And I loved the song, which led me to downloading it from your site.


It was pretty generic for a first Madness animation. It would have been much better if you at least tried to use different backgrounds and perhaps not-so generic Madness characters.

The animation was bad. It was choppy, for one thing, and it was pretty stiff too.
The characters had like, no emotion, and no definition of recoil. (Yet still somehow able to fire that shot gun with one hand) Speaking of hands, I see that you have also not been able to figure out which hand is right, and which hand is left. Look at tributes, and even the official madness, it seriously shouldn't be rocket science figuring out those hand positions.
I didn't like how you animated the feet, They're not supposed to come off of the body like they did. they just didn't look right. You should have made them unattached when they are standing still, but the fact that you didn't just makes it out of place. One side note, on that one part when he grabbed hold of the hostage, and used the pistol, it wasn't a sub machine gun like an MP5, it was a pistol, meaning it doesn't fire fully auto.
Also, you didn't do reactions right. The Madness guys aren't supposed to stand there until they're shot, give them some personality and life, if they're supposed to be such good agents or whatever, at least make them fire their guns once and a while. Another example of this would be at the end, where he just walked up and allowed the guy to shoot him, when he had a good 5 seconds to take care of him.
Over all, the animation wasn't half bad, don't get me wrong, it's bad, but it's alot better than most of the other new guy animations. Keep practicing and don't pay any attention to people giving you high scores, read the reviews, but don't get used to them, because then you'll be pissed off at the first guy who gives a negative review and you'll attract a lot of trolls and spammers and such. Pay attention to the negative comments or else you'll never learn.
Ok I'm done.

wrayayrton responds:

well, i honestly never thought id be reviewed by you yourself, but it is in fact amazing that i was. first off, hands: i downloaded a sprite sheet with only one hand (it was crappy spritesheet... i do not wish it on anyone) as for feet, well, it was my first, come on rly... the pistol was called full automatic pistol, and in the game it is full automatic.
the badguys were movieclips to save me time, and energy, so they suck, i know. but ima put another anim up, and i have re tooled my badguy animation system. the end was: he ran out of ammo, i wanted you to hear that click noise but i guess not

i love negative reviews, so thank you. people like you, who write a long, constructive criticizm review, and actually know how to animate make me feel good inside. your advice inspires me to do much better. so i hope my next animation, you like 3 times as much.
ok im done


That was just plain horrid. I mean, even at 24fps, that still looked CHOPPY AS HELL.
Jesus christ man, try actually animating EVERY SINGLE FRAME, rather than having millions of long key frames everywhere.
OK well first off, all of the movements were shitty, unrealistic, and choppy. I couldn't even tell what was happening, and the fact that you misplaced the sprites and arranged them improperly didn't help at all. Nothing made sense at all.
You just had a guy run in and make a gun sound without actually aiming or moving the body at all, just throwing around random gun shots and not even putting any effort into falling or recoil. It looks like a statue running in and shooting people, but some how they fall in one millisecond.
Guns give kick back, use this.

But damn man, did you actually put any effort on this at all? It looks like you just copied and pasted random ass sprites any where. I mean, in the Hank and Jesus part, you couldn't even figure out where to put the hands on the guns, that would either prove that you are really lazy and didn't bother to look, or you lack common sense. Oh and where did he even get the chainsaw?
Also, why is it that (correct me if I'm wrong, it's too shitty to even comprehend what's going on) that the one main guy comes in and appears to be grabbing the two people, but then out of no where, two gun shots come up, yet there aren't any guns or anything?

And I don't give two shits if this is your first animation. That doesn't matter.
And I hate how you soak in all of the previous reviews that are obviously being WAAY TOO GENEROUS.
Here's a tip, maybe start looking at negative comments more than you look at positive comments, because just if a certain review is negative, doesn't mean it's because they hate you, it's because they hate to see your animation and want you to get better. And in your response to that one guy who gave a 5, no, it does not deserve a 5. I give this a vote of zero and a review score of zero.

Oh one more thing, if you want to actually start being known for good animations, try not shitting them out every two hours or so. I mean, try actually spending months or hell, even years on something to make something that people actually look forward to, rather than the regular "oh cool I submitted my movie an hour ago, and now I just finished my new one, I can't wait to submit!"
This will just give you a reputation as a lazy, shitty madness animator.
And god forbid you constantly submit shit for stats.

One final note, remember this extremely helpful advice;;
You'll never get better until you realize that you suck.

SERIOUSLY. When I realized I was horrible, I did everything I could to get better.
Hopefully you can save yourself before you make a big fool out of yourself.
You can only learn from negative comments.


Holy shit. That was great. I swear I thought I was watching some cartoon on tv, you made the art excellently, I've never seen anyone be able to do this on Newgrounds, I mean, it really looked like a tv cartoon.
The movie was hilarious too.


I didn't like it. The comedy was over-done and un-funny. The only thing I found remotely funny was the elevator thing. However, it was ruined due to the horrible grammar and misspellings.
Not to mention the animation being choppy and stiff.

Nightmares, dreams, and everything between.

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