I kinda figured that there would at least be one idiot in the review section below that would say little to nothing about the actual animation and focus on the politics behind it. Just to get this out of the way, Mr. "The Klown," less than two seconds into a web search would prove your ass wrong- the creators dislike both political parties, although it can be inferred that they're slightly less partial to far-left liberalism. That requires brain cells and the ability to read and infer information though so I can see where there may have been some difficulty.
Okay anyway, to the actual review:
Honestly, this wasn't that good. I can see what you were trying to go for here, but it just didn't really work out. The art style adds a dash of comedic value to this situation, but all-in-all it feels just like an animated version of the actual interview in which not much is really changed aside from some up-beat background music and extended cuts to his facial expression. I feel like there was potential for a punch line or at least something to expand upon this idea. The simplistic art style and animation could be excused if the comedy had been expanded or explored upon, but unfortunately for me, this one just didn't work out. Additionally, this short felt longer than just two minutes. With all due respect, it was over-all boring.
However, don't get me wrong. I think that you're definitely on the right track. While there are gaps in the pacing, delivery, and content, I could potentially see this working out as part of something a bit bigger. Stand-alone.. not so much. As horrible as it would be in real life, I think it would have been funny to see the politician at home going absolutely insane because his kids came out to him. Perhaps some kind of expansion or twist where his gay son turns out to be the best swimmer ever, or anything really. His drawn out, almost orgasmic facial expressions towards the end did give me a smirk, but that was about it this time around..
Keep going, don't be afraid to go out of the box a little bit and break some boundaries.